Leading a
Christian out of the lodge.
Because the church has not been vigilant in sounding
the alarm, Christians continue to stumble into the Masonic Lodge.
They remain members until they realize what Freemasonry teaches. If they
simply listen to the words of the ritual, the Holy Spirit will witness to
them. Thousands of Christians have left the lodge to follow Jesus.
If the Holy Spirit is not witnessing to them, it is because they do not
have the Holy Spirit. If they remain after they realize what Freemasonry
teaches, is there any reason to believe that they are genuine Christians?
What will Jesus say?
A video tape is available which explains how to lead a
Christian Mason out of the lodge. The information contained on the
tape is very similar to the information on this website, but there is
much more. If you follow the procedures with our materials and if the man
is truly a Christian, he will leave the lodge. To
obtain a copy of the tape, please
contact us. You
might mention what fruit you see which makes you think your Mason is a
genuine Christian.

How can you effectively
witness to a Christian Mason?
Ministering to a person who has been ensnared in the occult will put you in conflict
with demonic forces. Ephesians chapter 6 reminds us that we are engaged in a spiritual
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high
places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand
in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
(Ephesians 6:12-13)
Because of our position in Jesus Christ, we are able to stand. However, in order to
continue to stand when dealing with the occult, we need to put on the whole armour of God.
We need to begin by praying. We should ask God for protection and help in the battle. If
you have others who share your concern about Freemasonry, form a prayer group. Make
certain that those in the prayer group are in agreement. The materials available on this
site will help you to educate other Christians. Have confidence when you approach God
asking for the repentance of someone who is ensnared in Freemasonry. James 5:16 tells us
that ". . .The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."
Romans 3:22 tells us that, "This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus
Christ to all who believe." Ephesians 3:12 tells us that, "In Him and through
faith in Him, we may approach God with freedom and confidence."
Understanding Masonic methods
Experience is a good teacher. As you gain experience in witnessing to Masons, you will
be able to confirm what you are reading here. Masons have been trained to deal with you.
You will be more effective when you know their game. They are taught to avoid
conversations like the one you are going to try to have with them. Why would they want to
avoid such a conversation? Some Masons believe that they must avoid conversations with
non-Masons in order that the "secrets of Freemasonry" might be kept safe. The Indiana
Monitor and Freemason's Guide contains a paragraph under the heading Behavior
In Presence of Strangers Not Masons. It reads as follows:
You should be cautions in your Words and Carriage, that the most penetrating Stranger
should not be able to discover or find out what is not proper to be intimated; and
sometimes you may divert a discourse, and manage it prudently for the Honor of the
Worshipful Fraternity.
(Pages 32-33, 1964 Edition)
In reality, there are no Masonic secrets. The Grand Lodges sometimes admit that fact.
Consider this paragraph from the Indiana Monitor:
Masonic Secrecy includes only methods of recognition and of symbolic instruction. It
does not extend to everything relating to the institution. A secret society is one whose
members are not publicly known, and whose existence is concealed from the world. Masonic
bodies, however, meet openly; there is no secrecy concerning membership or officers; and
Masonic symbols and philosophy are discussed in thousand's of books accessible to anyone.
(Pages 38-39, ibid.)
That paragraph is somewhat deceptive in that Lodge meetings are tyled. They do not meet
openly. A man, the Tyler, is posted outside the Lodge room door to keep out "Cowans
and Eavesdroppers" when ritual is being done. Notice what the Grand Lodge of Indiana
has to say about the contents of Masonic books. It states that thousands of books discuss
the symbols and philosophy of Freemasonry. The Grand Lodge does not take issue with the
content , or accuracy, of those books when writing to Masons. However, if a Christian
takes issue with the content of a Masonic book, the position toward the books will change
They will no longer claim that they contain the philosophy of Freemasonry. The books will
become just someone's opinion of Masonic symbolism and philosophy.
In reality there is no "danger" that a Mason will reveal Masonic secrets to
you when you witness to him, because the information flow will be primarily from you to
him. You will not be trying to learn the modes of recognition (handshakes, body signs and
word games.) If you are able to have a conversation, you will be surprised how little the
average Mason will say.
Don't let them know that you
oppose Freemasonry.
Keep your intentions to witness to a Mason to yourself and your prayer group. If you
don't, you may not get the opportunity to witness. Masons will not usually speak with you
if they know that you hold a negative opinion about Freemasonry. The more they think you
know, the less likely they are to let down their defenses and meet with you. The most
common Masonic defense is silence. The most effective method is to work one-on-one with a
man who has not had time to speak with other Masons about the meeting. Never agree to meet
with a group of Masons without other solid Christians being present. If you attempt to
witness to two or more Masons at the same time, they will stick together like a pack of
wolves. In reality, that is exactly what most of them are. However, there usually is very
little physical danger.
Unless you take the issue public, they usually choose silence as the method of
response. If you go public, they may break the silence. It depends on how effective you
are. If you are effective in shaping the opinion of other Christians, they will not remain
Jesus gave instructions - how to proceed.
The instructions of Jesus are found in Matthew chapter 18.
Should they be followed to
deal with the issue of Freemasonry, when you believe that the Mason is a Christian? If it
turns out that he only claims to be a Christian, there is no difficulty with following
this procedure, because the end result is appropriate.
The instructions of Jesus
Learning from the experience of others
Experience is a good teacher. Several brief "case studies" are provided below
to allow you to share the experience of others. There really is no need for you to have to
make all of the mistakes which they made. These case studies will allow you to understand
Masonic methods and responses. If you are called to minister to Masons, or lead the church
to repentance, you will find them interesting.
The pastor takes a stand
A mature Christian attempts to lead
a Christian Mason out of the Lodge
A former occultist encounters Freemasonry in the church
You must know the facts
In order to witness to a man who is ensnared in the occult, you have to know something
about the occult organization he is involved in. However, you do not have to know as much
as you would think. If the Mason is a Christian, he is sealed with the Holy Spirit. If you
know a few critical facts which will demonstrate to him that the teachings and practices
of the organization he is involved in are grossly incompatible with Christianity, that
will be sufficient. The Holy Spirit can use any Christian to provide evidence which will
lead a brother to repentance. It is not up to us to cause a man to repent. However it is
up to us to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit to confront the brother with the truth
in a loving manner. If the man is a Christian, it doesn't take a lot to lead him out of an
occult organization.
If he is not led by the Holy Spirit, it may be next to impossible to lead him out of an
occult organization. If you have never been involved in the occult yourself, you probably
will not be able to fully understand the spiritual bondage which results. Those who do
renounce occultism are often unable to shake the effects of spiritual bondage for a period
of time. Release can occur quickly, or it can take several years. Healing occurs at
different rates in the physical world, it is no different in the spiritual realm.
Carefully select effective arguments
Before you approach a Mason, you must know the truth and you should know that you know
it. Having solid documentation can make a substantial difference. We can help with that.
We urge you not to concentrate on books such as Morals and Dogma,
and other books which demonstrate a connection with Luciferianism. These books will
convict Christians that Freemasonry is Satanic, but they are less useful than other items
when dealing with the average Mason. If you want to use occultic Masonic books, you must
be able to build a solid foundation under them in order to effectively tie them to the
ruling Masonic authorities, the Grand Lodges. It can be done, however you may not have
that much time when dealing with a Mason. Masons will have a tendency to look for a way of
escape. Not from the occult, but from you.
What are the best arguments?
If you were going to speak with a non-Christian about Christianity, could you have a
meaningful discussion without mentioning Jesus and the plan of salvation? Of course not.
Christians understand the importance of the Gospel. When you are attempting to lead a
Christian to repentance, it is good to make sure that you are in agreement about the
fundamentals of the Gospel. Does he believe that Jesus is God? Does he believe that faith
in Jesus is required for salvation. Does he understand that only those who accept Jesus
will be saved? Is he able to agree that Hindus, Buddhists and all other non-Christians
will not enter the kingdom of God? John 14:6, Acts 4:10-12, John 1:1-14, John 8:24 and
John 8:58 are scriptures which can be used to establish these facts. Galatians 1:8-9 is a
good scripture to review as well. It establishes the consequences for those who would
preach a false gospel. If you can't agree on these foundational items, including the
authority of the Holy Bible, you will never have a foundational basis upon which to
appropriately discuss Freemasonry. If a man cannot agree with these simple foundational
issues, what makes you believe that he is a Christian? Maybe he is simply a Mason.
If the Gospel is of prime importance to Christians, what better way to convince a
Christian that Freemasonry is incompatible with Christianity than to document the Masonic
plan of salvation and demonstrate that Freemasonry has a savior, other than Jesus? If you
are able to prove those factors, it will be impossible for the man to continue as a Mason
and make a credible claim that he is a Christian.
If a Mason is a Christian he has faith in Jesus and is depending on Jesus for
salvation. Does that make his Masonic membership of no consequence? What about the souls
of the men he has seen conducted through the ritual? How many of those men believed what
they were told in the Lodge? Has he told any of them that the Lodge's plan of salvation is
false? How many men have joined the Lodge because he is a member? Has he led another man
into Lodge who is imitating Hiram so that he can get into the Celestial Lodge above? How
can he participate in Freemasonry without destroying his witness with the other men in the
Paul's letter to the Galatians deals with a group of men who are adding circumcision to
the Gospel as a requirement for salvation. Circumcision is something which God had
previously authored for the Jews. However, it was not part of the Gospel which Jesus gave
to the apostles. Paul's response to those who altered the gospel in this
"simple" way is found in Galatians 1:8-9. Paul said simply: "If anyone
preaches a gospel other than the Gospel which we preached to you, let them be eternally
condemned." In the case of Freemasonry, Masons are not adding circumcision, but
rather substituting another savior. Masonic ritual directly tells Masons to imitate Hiram
Abiff so that they may get into the Celestial Lodge. When the "Christian" stands
before Jesus, will Jesus believe that he is a Christian who has saving faith in the TRUTH
(John 14:6) if he is standing with a group which teaches salvation on the basis of another
savior? We cannot be certain that ANY "Christian" mason will make it into
heaven. Jesus will decide. Does the man want to stand in front of Jesus as one who has
participated in the promotion of another savior and as one who will not stop supporting
and defending the same?
Examples of these arguments are contained in our tracts. Read them all, and you will
have a good understanding of the issues. The following three should be appropriate for any
Mason. Salvation without Jesus deals with elements of ritual which
every Mason has seen and heard. It is gentle. Fatherhood of God -
Brotherhood of Man deals with the false Masonic concept of God. It deals directly with
a foundational teaching of Freemasonry as well as the existence of the Masonic savior. An Open Letter to a Christian Mason is extremely direct and takes an
strong stance. It calls into question the Mason's Christianity. This is entirely
appropriate, since Masons are men who meet in secret to teach salvation on the basis of a
false savior. It may be good to give the "Open Letter" tract to a man after he
has had time to consider the other two. However, do give him the opportunity to hear a
direct message before he stands before Jesus. Jesus will be as direct as can be. His
stance on those who promote other saviors is rigid.
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