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Freemasonry is a litmus testThe Nature of Litmus PaperLitmus paper is used as an acid-base indicator in chemical analysis. When litmus paper is placed in an acidic solution, it turns red. When placed in a basic solution, it turns blue. Chemists rely on this reaction to identify acidic or basic solutions. Although litmus paper is used to test for acidity, strong acid can just as well be used to test litmus paper. If a chemist were to place a strip of paper in a strongly acidic solution and it did not turn red, he would KNOW that the strip was not litmus paper. If a person who claimed to be a chemist were to insist that even though the paper did not turn red in strong acid, it is still genuine litmus paper, his judgment would be called into question. It would be apparent that he does not know chemistry. Litmus paper always reacts in a predictable fashion. The Nature of ChristiansChristians are people who have embraced the person and teachings of Jesus Christ. They are followers of Jesus. Christians react to spiritual stimuli in a predictable fashion, just as does litmus paper to chemical stimuli. Jesus said:
Just as we know that a person who is following Jesus does not walk in darkness, we know that a person who is walking in darkness is not following Jesus. It would be impossible. The basics of the gospel are fairly simple. Paul put it most succinctly:
In summary, this is the Gospel:
All Christians, even mere babes in Christ, have clearly perceived those facts and are conscious of them daily. In order for a person to be a Christian, he must understand the reason for which Jesus died. Paul explained exactly why Jesus died in the book of Romans:
Christians know that Jesus willingly died, was buried and raised from the grave, so that those who believed in Him would stand as righteous before God on judgment day. Salvation is conditional on righteousness. Righteousness is conditional on faith. Faith may be testedJust as acidity may be tested using well know reactions, faith may be tested. James tells us that genuine faith produces a reaction - works. Works, such as feeding the poor, or caring for the sick are examples of fruit which faith produces. They are done without the expectation of reward or recognition. James wrote:
Although he was involved constantly in good works, Paul revealed that works have no part in our salvation:
The litmus reaction is a valid evidence of acidity, yet it does not have a part in the corrosive effect of acid. In a similar fashion, works done to bring glory to Jesus Christ are a valid evidence of faith, yet they do not have a part in the salvation which results from faith. Are there other litmus type reactions which can be used to identify those who will inherit salvation? Speaking of sin, Jesus said:
Christians have faith in the person and teachings of Jesus Christ. That faith produces a continuing series of responses. John tells us that we can use the presence, or absence, of repentance as an indicator of those to whom righteousness has been imputed, as a result of genuine faith:
The equations are simple: No faith = no salvation No reaction = no genuine faith Repentance and works are the litmus type reactions by which God would have us discern who are and who are not our brothers in Christ. God had John tell us how to discern so that we would not be led astray, but rather would KNOW who is genuine. Jesus said, in John chapter 10, that His sheep know His voice. He said that they will never follow another. When we see a man who is following another, we know that he is not one of the sheep. The Nature of FreemasonryIf we look around, we can see men in the midst of our congregations who have met in secret and portrayed Hiram Abiff in Masonic ritual. In ritual - as Hiram, they have willingly died - rather than betray their trust. They have been buried and then raised from the grave. At the conclusion of the ritual, they were told that they should imitate Hiram Abiff so that they can get into heaven, to spend eternity with God. ALL Master Masons are familiar with this ritual. They know that Hiram willingly died, was buried and raised from the grave. They all know the name Hiram Abiff. The Masonic plan of salvation substitutes Hiram Abiff for Jesus Christ. It replaces faith in Jesus Christ with imitation of Hiram Abiff, as the critical requirement for spending eternity with God. [1. PDF source documents in footnotes] This is the gospel of Freemasonry:
These facts can be verified by examining Masonic ritual or by examining many Masonic monitors - small books which are produced by the Grand Lodges and given to men after they are raised to Master Mason. Most Masons deny that Masonic ritual teaches salvation. To admit the truth would allow us to immediately know that they were not genuine Christians. They could no longer be pastors, elders, deacons, or Sunday School teachers. Yet Masonic monitors, which are written in plain, non-coded English, explain the meaning of ritual. Many contain the teaching that the meaning of the ritual is that they (Masons) have been redeemed from the death of sin. [2.] Some state that the Master Mason represents a man raised to the faith of salvation. [3.] Beginning at least as far back as 1941, and continuing through at least nine editions, the Kentucky Monitor has stated that Jesus is a savior for Christians, while Hiram Abiff is a savior for Masons. [4.] That statement alone reveals that Freemasonry is a religion which is opposed to Jesus Christ. When a Christian who joins the Masonic Lodge is confronted with the facts of the Masonic gospel, he can react in only one way: he must renounce Freemasonry. Freemasonry is a litmus test for Christians. A Christian reacts in only one way because his nature is such that he will not walk in darkness. He will never follow another; he has chosen to follow Jesus. He must repent. His response is as predictable as the response of litmus to acid. We should take note of the reaction of anyone who claims to be a spiritual leader, yet claims that a man who does not renounce, when confronted with the acidic nature of Freemasonry, is a Christian nonetheless. We should recognize that it is not the reaction of a genuine spiritual leader. The Nature of Spiritual LeadersHebrews 13:17 tells us that a spiritual leader watches over the souls of the flock as a man who must give account. If he does not warn men of the consequences of participating in the promotion of a false gospel, we KNOW that he is not acting as one who must give account. Spiritual leaders are watchmen on the wall. We know that God will hold them accountable:
We need to examine the reactions of those who claim to be spiritual leaders, because we are commanded to obey our spiritual leaders. If we obey those who claim to be spiritual leaders, yet do evil, we will share in their evil deeds. They may claim to be shepherds of the flock, yet we must not follow them. Such false shepherds are not following Jesus any more than the man who claims to be a Christian, yet will not renounce Freemasonry. The pastor who welcomes Freemasons into the congregation, while knowing the truth about Freemasonry will be held accountable. John wrote:
Freemasonry is a litmus test for the layman and for the spiritual leader alike. Christians, by their nature can react in only one way. The persistent Mason is not a Christian. Those who maintain that a Christian can remain a Mason are either ignorant of the facts concerning Freemasonry, or they are people who would modify the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They do this by stating that a man need not repent. They claim that a man can remain a Mason and still share in the salvation which was purchased with the blood of Jesus. They are denying the teachings of Jesus. In Luke 13:3, Jesus said that unless we repent, we will die in our sins. Jesus also said that His sheep will not follow another. If we choose to support and follow a false shepherd, knowing he does not speak the whole council of God (Acts 20:26-31), we are not His sheep. His sheep will not follow another. You have a choice to make. Will you stand with the Church, and follow legitimate spiritual leaders opposing false plans of salvation and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Or, will you stand with those from the Lodge and defend an organization which teaches a plan of salvation which is based on imitation of Hiram Abiff? Your response will be determined by your nature. Christians can react in only one way.
FootnotesThe following source documents have been placed on this website in a single PDF format file. Viewing these files requires the free Adobe Reader. [1.] Kentucky Monitor, Grand Lodge of Kentucky, p. 152
[2.] Indiana Monitor and Freemasons Guide, Grand Lodge of Indiana, p. 154
Nevada Masonic Monitor, Third Degree, Grand Lodge of Nevada, p. 3
Ahiman Rezon, Grand Lodge of South Carolina, p. 141
[3.] ibid, p. 141-2
[4.] Kentucky Monitor, Thirteenth Edition, pages XIV-XV
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