Testimony of Jack Harris,
Past Worshipful Master

In January of 1968, I was installed a Worshipful Master of a Masonic Lodge of about 600
men. As far as I was concerned, I had reached the pinnacle of life. As a Worshipful
Master, I had total autocratic authority over the affairs of my Lodge with accountability
only to the Grand Master of my State.
I was married, had two children, a great job, pay and benefits, as well as great health.
In fact, I even believed that I had obtained a special knowledge of God, mankind, the
Universe, Heaven, and how to live a successful and fruitful life. What more could a man
ask for?
Very early during my term as Worshipful Master, while conducting a Masonic business
meeting, one of the brothers present voiced his objections to the closing of Lodge prayers
in the name of Jesus Christ. Masonic tradition in Maryland had been to close the prayers
by saying,
May every moral and social virtue cement us,
Amen, So Mote it Be
In all my years as a Mason, I had never heard one objection to the name of Jesus being
used by our Chaplain to close his prayers. I assured the Masonic brother who objected that
I would take up the matter with the Grand Master.
Several days later, I met with the Grand Master and explained the problem with the
prayers, as well as other concerns. The Grand Master informed me that Freemasonry accepts
for membership men of every faith or religion, so long as the prospective member believes
in a Supreme Being (whomever he may be) and in the resurrection of the body to a future
life (however and through whomever that was accomplished.) This was a great shock to me. I
had not realized that those who were members of anti-Christian religions could become
The Grand Master informed me that one of my duties as a Worshipful Master of my Lodge was
not to offend any brethren who were not Christians, even if this meant I had to refrain
from using the name of Jesus Christ in my prayers. He advised me that as Grand Master he
had the authority to disband my Lodge and remove its Charter as a Lodge, if I persisted in
using the name of Jesus with members present who objected.
In March of 1973, The Grand Lodge of Maryland Committee on Masonic Education approved the
following statement regarding prayers in a Masonic lodge:
All prayers in a Masonic Lodge should be directed to the one Deity to whom all Masons
refer as The Grand Architect of the Universe. We address Him as our Heavenly Father,
Eternal God, Almighty, or Everlasting God. We should close our prayers with an expression
such as, 'In Thy most holy and precious name we pray..., using no additional words
which could be in conflict with the religious beliefs of other Masons present at the
meeting. The brother who offers up the prayer does so for all members and visitors
present, rather than for just himself.
(Maryland Mason Magazine, March 1973).
Needless to say, my faith and trust in the teachings of Masonry were shaken. After all,
my pastor and the deacons of my church were all Masons. They believed in the Jesus of the
Bible, didnt they?
In the center of every Blue Lodge is an altar. Resting on top of the altar is what many
Masons refer to as the Great Light of Masonry, the Bible. I later discovered that
Freemasonry declares the sacred book of any and all religions in the world equivalent to
the Bible. Any "sacred book" may rest on the altar in a Masonic Lodge, to oblige
a Mason who does not accept the Bible as God's word.
I now had an irresistible force meeting an immovable object, namely the God of the
Universe, Jesus Christ, and the god of Freemasonry, Satan. How could both belief systems
be regarded as truth? I believed that the primary purpose of every Masonic degree was to
depart spiritual light, wisdom, truth, and knowledge regarding life, death, the hereafter,
and our interpersonal relationships with others.
After reading and studying various Masonic authors, I realized that Freemasonry considers
Jesus Christ as no greater than Moses, Elijah, Mohammed, or Buddha.
I began to converse with pastors, read the Bible, pray, and debate with other Masons,
including the Grand Lodge of the State of Maryland, about who Jesus Christ is, and where
absolute truth is to be found. This went on for two years, until one night I decided to
watch a Billy Graham crusade on TV. Reverend Graham was preaching on Hebrews 4:12:
For the Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two edge sword,
piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow, and
is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
He also discussed Romans, 3:10-18, which describes the total depravity of mankind,
before coming to Jesus Christ for salvation.
For the first time in my life I saw myself as God saw me, a sinner without hope and on my
way to Hell. That night I got on my knees and asked Jesus Christ to forgive me for my
sins, come into my life, save me, and be the Lord of my life. At that moment, I accepted
the God of the Universe, Jesus Christ, and rejected the god of Freemasonry. The
irresistible force of Gods Holy Spirit pushed aside the immovable object of the lies
of Masonry, as only He could do.
At last I was free, as Gods word states in John 8:32:
Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.
I was set free by the One who is The Truth, Jesus Christ. The shackles of Masonic lies
were broken. Gods word reveals that as a born-again Christian, I am clothed with His
righteousness, as stated in Ephesians 6:14, having shed the soiled garments of sin.
(Romans 3:10-18) Thereby, by the grace of God, through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, I
went from rags to riches that night.
I obeyed Gods word in 2 Corinthians 6:14.
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers; for what fellowship hath
righteousness with unrighteousness, and what communion hath light with darkness?
I renounced all of the branches of Freemasonry that I was a member of, including the
Blue Lodge, Royal Arch Chapter, Knights Templar, and the Shrine (A.A.O.N.M.S.). They all
teach doctrines contrary to Gods word, and lead men to Hell, instead of to Heaven.
If you are a Mason, spend much time in Gods word, especially the books of John and
Colossians, comparing them to the teachings of the Lodge. My prayer for you is that our
Savior will open your spiritual eyes to the only absolute truth found in the Person of
Jesus Christ, and that you will reject the god of Freemasonry, Satan.

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